The Sweetest Corn

Ozzy John talked me into going for something to eat after work yesterday. We checked out the old prison complex at the back of Hang Man’s Hill. It’s been converted into restaurants: burger bars; tapas bars, pizza bars; all the usual suspects. It was still early and not only was the rain holding back but the sun was shining. Strolling around the city in the sunshine, what a difference it makes. People were still heading home for work and the high street was busy. After a coffee in Café Nero we went for a pint in Grady O’Brian’s, where we met Jamie. We talked a bit whilst finishing the beers but nothing memorable was said. I think it may have been my idea to go to “Eat As Much As You Like”, one that I would regret. Now Jamie and Ozzy John are big boys and have healthy appetites to go with their size, and I am not what you would call a waif. Between the three of us we ate enough food to overfeed a medium size country with a 90% over-weight population. My belt was noticeably tighter when we left. I could feel the extra load as I walked. Not much else happened when we left EMAYL, we just went our different ways each of us trying to deal with the digestion of vast amounts of food. Don’t get me wrong, I, and I can only speak for myself, am not proud of it.
On the bright side of life, I booked two days holiday next week and as it is a Bank Holliday on Monday, and I only work three days a week, that mean I am off work for eleven whole days as from Wednesday close of business. I have no plans but may take the boat into the centre of Oxford and spend a few days there. At least I will be able to walk home from the Half Moon.
I passed Kev on the towpath and he gave me a capo for my guitar. Also passed Ratty who was bollocksed and said something about his bike being broken down and could I give him a lift to work in the morning. I was too stuffed to pay much attention. I had to wait a while before lying down in bed; the food was still being processed. Never again will I eat that much, I swear!
The Sweetest Corn
The barn owl hunts
In harmony with the canal
Under a rising moon
The field mouse
Eats its last meal
The sweetest corn
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